No need to worry about obesity anymore.. Just pay attention to these things

Obesity is one of the main problems seen in people today. The food we eat and our lifestyle is the main cause of obesity. Obesity is often inherited. The ratio between a person’s length and thickness is said to be 100 minus the length, and the average person’s normal weight. If it is more than that, it can be said that he is obese.

People with problems like PCOD in thyroid women are also overweight. Fast food, oily snacks, sweets and bakery that we eat are to some extent the reason why our body gets more fats than it needs. When we walk for a short distance, there are many types of problems like wheezing, snoring, knee pain. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates leads to weight gain.

It is important to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals that our body needs. It is very good to include a lot of vegetables and leafy greens like drumsticks and spinach in our diet. Also, protein is another important element that our body needs. We get protein from eating pulses, eggs, meat and fish. Eating all the greens and leafy greens in the form of a soup is a very.

good way. Drinking water about two to three At least one liter of water should be drunk a day. The amount of salt should be very little. Exercise is another way to not only lose weight but also to control most of the health problems in our body. Doing proper exercise at least five days a week helps to eliminate most of your problems. Walking and swimming are beneficial exercises. By choosing the right diet and lifestyle and exercising, we can control obesity. To know more, just watch the video below.

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