Meat and fish to lower cholesterol

Today, there are very few people who do not have lifestyle diseases. Cholesterol is one of the most common diseases. If we realize that we have cholesterol, we all try to change our lifestyle immediately. But often many people do not know how to choose the right method. Cholesterol is a necessary element for the functioning of our body.

There are two types of cholesterol, good and bad, good cholesterol is what our body needs and bad cholesterol is not. By controlling the diet to some extent, we can also control cholesterol. Most of the people think that the reason for cholesterol is oily snacks or fast food. But the main reason for this is starchy food.

Most of the people eat starchy foods at least three times a day and this is the main cause of cholesterol. People with cholesterol should reduce the intake of rice based foods in the morning. Fermented idli dosa should also be reduced. It is good to eat 3 whites and take care to eat the morning meal early.

Two days a week you can eat a whole egg. Egg yolk often causes cholesterol to rise. It is good to have a cup of peas or chickpeas and muthira every morning, cooked or uncooked. It is better to eat cooked foods. It is good to eat walnuts. Eat small fishes like sardines, aila and natholi which are rich in Omega 3. Those who have cholesterol should minimize the consumption of shellfishes. Eat white rice with little bran and others like Kuthari. By making these changes in lifestyle, you can see the results. To know more, watch the video below.

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