It is enough to put Eric’s leaf like this to get rid of any severe salt pain

A lot of people experience pain in their feet when they wake up in the morning and cannot put their feet on the ground. There are three causes of pain in the stomach. The first reason is called planter facilities. It occurs due to some type of infection of the calloused skin on the bottom of the foot.

This happens when you stand for a long time or walk on a surface like tiles. For people who are overweight, this is more because as our weight increases, the swelling of this fascia also increases. Walking for a while will reduce the pain and this is because when you walk, this fascia will heal and the swelling will decrease.

The second cause is a calcaneal spur. This problem occurs because there is a bone at the base of the heel called the calcaneus that is pointed. This problem may occur due to the above. Similarly, vitamin D deficiency of calcium and phosphorus can also cause this. Another cause of heel pain is Achilles tendonitis. This is seen on the reverse side of the thirtieth. It is mostly seen in those who are involved in sports activities and mainly in sports. Now people who are above 20 years of age also see this heel pain.

There are a few home remedies that can be used to ease back pain. It is good to grind fenugreek and camphor oil and apply it back where the pain is or apply it all over the leg. Along with this, drink water with fenugreek, ginger and turmeric. Another is to cut the leaves of Eric into small pieces, heat them, make a bundle, soak it in lukewarm water and apply it on the painful part of the leg. There are more effective ways. Watch the video below to learn more.


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