Is it so easy to get black hair? With homemade hair? Surprise

There is no one who does not want beautiful hair. But today most of the people have many problems like dandruff and hair fall. We can solve all hair related problems from home. All we need is curry leaves in our homes. The benefits of curry leaves are many. Preventing hair loss, turning gray hair black and reducing dandruff problems.

are all possible by choosing this one. Take curry leaves as required and cut them into petals, wash them well and put them in a mixer and add a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to it. Fenugreek is very beneficial for hair. For those who have dandruff problem, it will help to reduce and hair growth. It is good to powder these two together.

After that, pour enough coconut oil in a saucepan and after heating it, put the powdered mixture into it. We can use this coconut oil for any number of days. Apply it well and massage it and wash it off after some time. By using this coconut oil, you can improve hair growth, prevent hair fall and reduce dandruff.

It does not cause any other damage as it does not add any chemicals. Apart from coconut oil, this is another hair pack that is very useful for our hair. To make this, we need some curry leaves, one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds soaked the previous day, two teaspoons of curd and grind them well in a mixer. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil to it in the form of a good paste and mix it. This can be applied on our head once or twice a week. The result can be known after using it. To know more, just watch the video below.

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