If you want to change the migraine, you have to change the problem first

Migraine headaches are a problem for many people. The real cause of migraine needs to be known. In women, migraine headaches are more severe during menstruation. Migraine is also the headache called Chennikuth in Malayalam. Sometimes this headache occurs for four hours to three days. Sometimes the pain is on one side.

When a migraine headache occurs, we get a signal before it that we are having a headache. Symptoms include pain around the eyes, blurred vision, and stabbing pain behind the forehead. Do not feel like eating and have difficulty even when turning on the light. Things like traveling in strong sunlight can trigger headaches.

There are many different types of headaches and see if this is a migraine headache. If it is a migraine headache, it is due to stomach problems. As long as the digestion is going properly, we can get rid of most of the ailments. Good probiotics are essential for good gut health. There are a few things to keep in mind while eating. It is not good to eat spicy food.

People with gas problems should avoid such foods and chew fennel seeds too. Reduce your intake of coffee and cheese. Reduce the amount of rice you eat. Reduce your intake of gluten-containing foods. Vegetables or any other food should be cooked well. Reduce excessive intake of salt and sugar. Control obesity. All you need to do is take lots of probiotics. It is good to eat pagankanji. Low-sour wine, yogurt, and buttermilk are also good probiotics. Watch the video below to learn more.

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