If this is not taken care of while eating fruits, it can lead to liver disease

Liver disease is a disease that is increasing day by day. Liver disease is not understood by most of the people. Liver disease can be said to be a silent killerLifestyle is the main reason for this. Fatty liver is caused by excess fat in the food we eat. This kind of fat is also found in foods that are rich in starch and sweet.

Eating certain fruits such as mango and jackfruit also cause us to increase sugar and turn it into fat. It is usually seen more in people who are obese, have diabetes, alcoholism, smoking, etc. When people with this disease drink alcohol even in a small way, the risk of it affecting the liver is very high. People who have this type of difficulty usually have snoring.

If they are alcoholics, it is mandatory to avoid it completely. Fatty liver is classified into three stages. Grade one, grade two, and grade three. We often recognize fatty liver when it is grade three. Three is likely to lead to liver cirrhosis and liver failure. We can control these problems to some extent if we make proper adjustments in our diet. Try to minimize the intake of starchy foods, floury sweets, bakery fast food. When eating fruits, it is good to eat fruits that are not too sweet like watermelon and guava.

Vitamins, proteins and fibers are all very necessary elements for our body. It is important to include all these in the diet. Vitamin D can be obtained by eating leafy vegetables and sun exposure. Reduce intake. We can control liver disease by adjusting these types of food, if we have alcohol, and by reducing sugary foods and starchy foods, we can control liver disease. To know more, just watch the video below.

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