How to know if you have cancer

If asked which disease we fear the most, it would be cancer. We choose the necessary treatments and other methods only after the onset of cancer. But before cancer occurs, cancer cells are eliminated. Uncontrolled fever is the main symptom of cancer. Frequent fever without reasons and sudden weight loss are the main symptoms of cancer. Loss of appetite and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, lumps in the body parts are mostly seen in the neck areas and armpits behind the ears. Different types of cancer have different symptoms.

If it is related to the thyroid, the lump in the throat area is seen. It is imperative to get treatment and get tests done right away if you notice these symptoms. By this we can prevent cancer to some extent. Breast cancer is more common in women today. The main symptom of this type of cancer is breast lumps. If you see these lumps, get tests done and check for breast lumps regularly. Blood coming from the nose, seeing blood in the sputum after coughing .

bleeding in the vagina during non-periods in women and such problems can also be signs of cancer. So do not take it lightly when these problems occur. Even from tests such as ultrasound, we can identify the beginning of cancer. Even if there are other problems related to the stomach, tests should be done. Headache, dizziness and tension are often symptoms of brain tumor. Drinking alcohol and smoking are the main causes that pave the way for cancer. It is better to avoid it completely.

Consuming too much of sweet foods also causes many problems like this in our body. We should give the most importance to diet and lifestyle. We should recognize the symptoms and do tests. To know more, watch the video below.

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