Follow this method to avoid sugar cravings and cravings

Few people today are free from lifestyle diseases. Most of the people have many types of diseases like cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure etc. The reason for this is our diet and lifestyle.One of the reasons for this is the carbohydrate foods we eat, such as sweets and bakery products. These types of diseases occur when there is too much sugar in the body.

The first thing to do is to choose a proper diet. Half percent should be vegetables. A quarter of this is cooked vegetables, a quarter is uncooked vegetables and the other half is protein and grains. Proteins like eggs, peas, chickpeas and grains like a cup of rice chapati are all we need in a day. Paneer and mushrooms are good.

Fruits should be consumed by diabetic patients. Avoid sugary fruits such as jackfruit and mango, but jackfruit can be cooked when it is not too ripe. Eat things like small fruits. If we choose this type of diet, we can control most of the health problems. Starchy foods such as rice are the main reason for the increase in sugar in our body .

so such foods should be reduced from the diet. But many people have a misconception that if you avoid eating rice, your energy will decrease and your body will become thin. But we can get enough energy through other foods we eat. Most of us eat oily food like fast food which is bad for our health. Diabetes is a disease that affects every organ in our body, so by controlling diabetes, other diseases can be controlled. Exercising is very good for our body and health. Watch the video below to know more

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