Even if the first birth is a cesarean, follow these steps to make the second birth a smooth one

Many people doubt that if the first birth is a cesarean section, there is a possibility that the next one will be a normal birth. The first is a caesarean section and the second attempt is a smooth delivery for most people. 70 – 75% of people have a smooth second delivery. Many things influence it. The first reason is the reason for the first caesarean section. For example, if a caesarean section was performed for a breech, they are more likely to have a successful second birth.

Even if the weight of the baby is average without any other complications, a comfortable delivery is possible. It is good to have a gap of at least two years between two births. When you arrive at the hospital in the labor room, the first thing to look for is whether it is labor pain. How long the uterus is open, then more medical things will be checked, the check-ups done before, and whether there is any need to give blood will be checked. and will be continuously monitored.

Vback is not recommended for those who have had more than two caesareans or those who do not have an ideal gap after a caesarean. In some cases after a caesarean section, if there is any abnormality, it is mentioned in it. It will mention that it is not for Vback. What exercises should be done by those who want to have a normal delivery and those who want to have a vaginal delivery should do the same. Also pay attention to the diet. Do this only as per your doctor’s prescription and don’t do it if you are told not to exercise.

Those who want to have a smooth delivery should eat nutritious food, do the exercises as per these instructions and do regular check-ups. If you pay attention to such things, the chances of having a smooth delivery will increase. Watch the video below for more details.

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