Do you have diabetes? If you don’t know this, you won’t get diabetes

Diabetes is an important lifestyle disease. Diabetes is classified into three types: type one, type two, and type three. A diet high in starch is the main cause of diabetes. The fact is that we can control diabetes to some extent by reducing the amount of starch.The average person’s diet contains more starch than they should normally eat.

Controlling diabetes requires more dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes than other medications or treatments. A more common name is type 2 diabetes. The main symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst, excessive hunger and frequent urination. Also seeing dry skin and red color on the body are signs of diabetes.

Recognizing the symptoms, getting the appropriate tests, choosing treatments and making lifestyle changes. Excessive consumption of sweets such as bakery should be minimized. Diabetes can also be inherited. If one of the religious fathers has diabetes, the chances of having diabetes in the children are also very high, so if any of the parents have diabetes, tests should be done and precautions should be taken. We should eat foods that are rich in proteins and vitamins that our body needs.

Small fish containing omega 3 should also be included in the diet. Drinking plenty of water and getting proper sleep is very important for our body. Exercise can help manage most of our health problems. Diabetes can be controlled by proper exercise methods. Exercising at least five days a weekIt’s good to get used to it. By making these adjustments in diet and lifestyle changes, we can control diabetes. Watch the video below to learn more.

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