Diabetes can be prevented. People with diabetes can even reverse it completely

Diabetes is when the body cannot use the glucose from the food we eat. We know that there are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children. This is because they have very low insulin levels. Type 2 is not due to insulin deficiency, insulin is present but the body is unable to use it.

In some people, it starts at a young age but is seen only after a period of time. It also shows symptoms. Obesity, belly fat, etc. are seen. Excessive hunger and frequent urination are symptoms of diabetes. causing us various difficulties and discomforts. It is because of the changes in our diet that we get these kinds of diseases.

And often the wrong thing is that we do not pay much attention or do not take proper treatment at the beginning of this type of illness.Proper diet should be chosen. Similarly, another important thing to note is that if one of our parents has diabetes, there is a chance that we will get it. If someone has diabetes, we should take precautions and choose a lifestyle accordingly. By eating starchy foods, we are more likely to get diabetes. But most of the times we eat rice or rice. Try to reduce your intake of small grains like chapatis.

Starch is also present in chapatis. Eat rice dishes. Include plenty of vegetables in your diet. It is best to eat boiled vegetables. Yogurt with foodEating buttermilk is very useful along with the diet we should take proper exercise. By doing exercise we can prevent most of the health problems in our body. People who are overweight can also get sugar. Those who eat nuts and small fish like sardines can get omega three. Proper lifestyle and diet can control your health problems. Watch the video below to learn more.

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