Can this food cure gastritis? The secret you don’t know

Gastritis is a problem that most people have experienced. Many people have the habit of taking medicine for ages. Gas occurs when our digestion does not work properly. It is seen in two types acute condition and chronic condition. An acute condition is a condition that occurs suddenly due to any reason.

A chronic condition is a condition in which gas trouble occurs due to an infection or something that has been going on for some time. Symptoms include heartburn, mouth sores, and belching. We can change this by making small changes in our habits. First of all, if you have a habit of drinking water immediately after eating.

change it and likewise do not take a bath while eating. Similarly, drinking tea with food is one thing. This can cause digestion to become very slow. If you have a habit of lying down, avoid it. Avoid eating tamarind and sweet together. Do not drink curd at night. Morning meal should not be skipped. The habit of eating food that has been kept in the fridge for a few days is very bad. Acidity or gastritis if left untreated can cause stomach ulcers later on. It can also cause internal bleeding which can lead to anemia.

Blood tests such as endoscopy can be done to identify this. Avoid junk food and fast food that are high in Ajinomoto. Avoid foods containing flour and sour foods on an empty stomach. Cut back on cold foods and use less sauces and ketchup. Include probiotics in your diet. Use things like yogurt. It is good to use black cumin. And sleep is an essential factor. These problems also occur when you don’t get enough sleep. Watch the video below to learn more.

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