Ashwagandha plant is not only for health. Know the properties of the plant.

Ashwagandha plant named Withania somnifera is a very beneficial medicinal plant. The 100 cm tall plant and root are used medicinally. What many people know about the ashwagandha plant is that it is used to enhance male  performance. This is one use of Ashwagandha plant. This truth has many other virtues. This plant is used in childbirth.

Also, the aromatic plant is used as a medicine to change the problems caused by nerves. Care should be taken when buying ashwagandha plant Do not buy a lot together. There is no need to buy a kilo of Ashwagandha. The name of the Ashwagandha plant is a yellow color. If you take 250 grams of root, scrape it and clean it well and boil it in one liter of milk.

After the milk is completely dry, take it, wash it a little and dry it in a shady place away from direct sunlight. After that it should be powdered and used. We can buy it in powder form. Ashwagandha powder is priced at Rs 90 for 50 grams. Ashwagandha Churnam should be used for digestive problems whether it is digestive problems or  problems.

If consumed by men, take half a teaspoon in a glass of milk. In case of women, it is usually eaten in honey. Aswagandha Arishtam is priced at Rs 150 for 480 grams. It can be taken in 20 – 30 ml morning and night. There are many ways to consume Ashwagandha juice as well as it helps to cure the said ailments and many ailments. Watch the video below to know more.

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