A one day diet to reverse diabetes should be like this

Today more and more people are suffering from diabetes. Due to this many kinds of problems are faced. The main problem that most people face is what foods to eat. We avoid many foods because of this. But there is really no need for this. Instead we can eat properly. The way of eating should be changed.

If you want to eat putt and peanuts, if you have one putt, you should take the same amount of peanuts. Eating in this proportion is not a problem. If it is dosa, you can eat two or three along with sambar and chutney. Salt flour can also be consumed by diabetic patients. When making salt flour, it is very good to make it with mostly vegetables.

When it is white bread, if it is a white bread, take the same quantity of peas. If you want to eat bread, it is better to use brown bread. It is better to avoid the snacks that we eat in between. Salads can be eaten instead. It is good for health. It is better to use rice flour. It is good to eat fiber rich vegetables. We can also eat fish but not fry it. It is very good to have kakiri regularly with mid-day meal. Avoid oil bites in the evening and replace them with biscuit rusk which has high fiber content.

You can also eat chapati and oats at night. Similarly, almost all kinds of fruits can be eaten. But don’t drink juice. If it is a fruit a day, we can eat two apples, one orange, one orange and one banana. We should avoid sugar, honey and jaggery. We can eat all the food like this. There is no need for the thought of not being able to eat. This method is good for you. Watch the video below to know more.

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