How to recognize if creatinine in the blood? Drink this to fix

Due to the increase of creatinine in the blood, kidney problems occur. Creatinine levels in the blood can be elevated for many reasons. A normal level of creatine is usually 0.6mlg to 1.2mlg. When testing, the level of creatinine in the blood is more than 2mlg. Creatine levels may increase in diabetics due to high blood pressure.

This is because the kidneys filter through a filter called the glomerulus. When blood glucose levels rise, glucose cannot be filtered through it. Kidneys fail to function properly. Age is also a factor that affects creatinine levels. And in adolescent peopleIn this way, the amount of creatine can be seen to increase.

This is because many people work out. People who go to the gym and work out, take protein diet for body building or take protein powder. Creatine is a protein breakdown product. When creatine increases, so does creatine, a waste product. The absence of any symptoms is undiagnosed. Creatinine levels may be elevated if there is a blockage in the urinary tract, such as a urinary stone. Obesity is also a cause. Tradition is also a factor. Creatine increases when you eat more carbohydrates.

If this is the case, the glucose levels will be higher in those who have diabetes. Then again when you eat a carbohydrate rich food it causes creatine to increase. Those who drink alcohol should reduce it and reduce smoking. Those who take protein powder should reduce it. There is no need to completely stop eating legumes, just eat less and cook them. And protein from vegetables like leafy greens is good. These problems can be prevented to some extent if our body has enough water, so drink enough water. Watch the video below to know more.

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