Know what are the early signs of cancer

There are many different types of cancer problems and there are many doubts among people about them. Many people are searching for ways to detect and prevent cancer. Everyone wants to know about the symptoms and what to do to prevent cancer. If we have any kind of infection that has not changed for a long time, we should definitely get tested.

which is a sign of cancer. Cancer is easy to detect and can be detected quickly by doing tests to detect it. Things like smoking and drinking alcohol lead to the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells are in everyone’s body but our immune system and things fight and suppress them. This reduces the risk of cancer. Although heredity may be a factor.

heredity is not an important factor in developing cancer. Intermittent fasting is a good way to prevent cancer. What is meant by intermediate fasting can be done in a variety of ways. Have morning meal at 9 o’clock Kochi meal at one o’clock and evening meal at five o’clock and do not eat at night and eat next morning at 9 o’clock. Another is to eat at eight o’clock in the morning and at one o’clock in the afternoon and at four o’clock in the evening. If we do this for three months continuously, we will have good immunity.

In other words, it destroys our cells by making the cancer cells eat and destroy the cells from within us. Follow a diet that is better than eating. A low-glucose diet such as rice meal is required. Something like omelette in the morning, fish curry like vegetable fruit in the afternoon and super vegetable like chicken curry in the evening. Eating this type of diet is also good for reducing glucose levels. It is very beneficial for our body. Watch the video below to learn more.

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