Taste and smell off and have a problem with balance? So be aware of these things.

Numbness, numbness, pain, loss of balance and loss of taste and smell in the hands and feet are caused by neuropathies that affect the nerves. Peripheral neuropathy refers to neuropathy affecting the nerves. Each type of symptoms is shown when the nerves are damaged. The feeling of irritation when listening to sound too much is due to nerve damage.

The lack of taste when it comes to corona is because it affects the nerves. It comes all around the head because it affects the nerve. Dizziness occurs when the nerves in the part of the smile that controls balance are affected. If this kind of nerve is affected, it can show itself first and recovery is very easy, then recovery is slow.

It can be completely reversed by doing proper treatments and taking medicines as prescribed by the doctor. The kind of problems that affect our senses arise when Nerv is affected. That is, if you don’t get the taste of any food after eating it, or you feel that it has lost its spiciness or sour taste. A difference in the sense of our test also occurs due to nerve involvement.

Some people then use chilies well in curries and use cumin well. This should not be done. Eating too spicy food is not good. Doing things to protect nerve health can be done as directed by your doctor. If there are problems such as swelling, numbness, or any kind of sensation problems, but if the problems persist for a few days, you should see the doctor and tell clearly what kind of difficulty is there. Watch the video below to know more.

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